Migrating a Legacy JavaScript Project to TypeScript

Case Study


Migrating a Legacy JavaScript Project to TypeScript

  • Planning and Preparation
  • Incremental Migration
  • Full Adoption and Optimization

CodeWave is an established software development company known for its legacy project management tool, WaveManager, initially built using plain JavaScript. As the codebase grew, maintaining and scaling the application became increasingly challenging. To improve code quality, enhance developer productivity, and future-proof the application, CodeWave decided to migrate from JavaScript to TypeScript.

  1. Enhance Code Quality by introducing static type checking to catch errors early in the development process.
  2. Improve Developer Productivity through better tooling and IDE support.
  3. Ensure Long-Term Maintainability and scalability of the application.

Implementation of TypeScript Migration

Phase 1: Planning and Preparation

Use Case: Codebase Analysis and Strategy Development

Why Planning and Preparation?

  • Risk Mitigation: Proper planning helps in identifying potential risks and challenges, ensuring a smooth transition.
  • Resource Allocation: Determine the resources and time required for the migration process.

How It was Implemented:

  • Codebase Audit: Conducted a thorough analysis of the existing JavaScript codebase to understand its complexity and dependencies.
  • Developer Training: Organized training sessions to get the development team up to speed with TypeScript syntax and best practices.
  • Migration Strategy: Developed a detailed migration plan, prioritizing the conversion of critical modules and establishing milestones.

Example: Converting a JavaScript Function to TypeScript

Original JavaScript Code:

// src/utils/calculate.js
function calculateTotal(amount, taxRate) {
	return amount + (amount * taxRate);

Converted TypeScript Code:

// src/utils/calculate.ts
export function calculateTotal(amount: number, taxRate: number): number {
	return amount + (amount * taxRate);

Phase 2: Incremental Migration

Use Case: Converting Core Modules

Why Incremental Migration?

  • Minimize Disruption: Gradual migration ensures that the application remains functional throughout the process.
  • Manageable Workload: Breaking down the migration into smaller tasks makes it more manageable for the development team.

How It was Implemented:

  • Pilot Migration: Started with converting a few non-critical modules to TypeScript to identify potential issues and adjust the strategy accordingly.
  • Core Module Conversion: Gradually migrated core modules, focusing on the most critical parts of the application first.
  • Testing and Validation: Each converted module was thoroughly tested to ensure compatibility and functionality.

Phase 3: Full Adoption and Optimization

Use Case: Completing the Migration

Why Full Adoption?

  • Consistency: Ensures that the entire codebase benefits from TypeScript’s type safety and improved tooling.
  • Future-Proofing: A fully migrated codebase is easier to maintain and scale.

How It was Implemented:

  • Comprehensive Conversion: Continued the migration process, converting all remaining JavaScript files to TypeScript.
  • Refactoring: Utilized TypeScript features to refactor and optimize the codebase, improving performance and readability.
  • Tooling Integration:: Updated development tools, build processes, and CI/CD pipelines to fully support TypeScript.

Example: Converting a React Component

Original JavaScript Code:

// src/components/TaskList.js
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

function TaskList({ tasks }) {
	return (
			{tasks.map(task => (
				<li key={task.id}>{task.name}</li>

TaskList.propTypes = {
	tasks: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({
		id: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
		name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

export default TaskList;

Converted TypeScript Code:

// src/components/TaskList.tsx
import React from 'react';

interface Task {
	id: number;
	name: string;

interface TaskListProps {
	tasks: Task[];

const TaskList: React.FC<TaskListProps> = ({ tasks }) => {
	return (
			{tasks.map(task => (
				<li key={task.id}>{task.name}</li>

export default TaskList;

Benefits and Outcomes

  1. Enhanced Code Quality:
    • TypeScript’s static type checking significantly reduced the number of runtime errors, improving overall code reliability.
  2. Improved Developer Productivity:
    • Developers experienced a boost in productivity due to TypeScript’s powerful autocomplete, code navigation, and refactoring tools provided by IDEs like Visual Studio Code.
  3. Increased Code Maintainability:
    • The type annotations and interfaces introduced by TypeScript made the codebase more readable and maintainable, facilitating easier onboarding of new developers and future enhancements.
  4. Better Collaboration:
    • TypeScript improved collaboration among team members by providing clear contracts through type definitions, reducing misunderstandings and streamlining code reviews.
  5. Future Scalability:
    • The migration to TypeScript laid a strong foundation for future growth, making it easier to add new features and scale the application.

CodeWave’s strategic migration from JavaScript to TypeScript in their legacy project, WaveManager, demonstrates the significant benefits of adopting TypeScript for large-scale applications. By enhancing code quality, improving developer productivity, and ensuring long-term maintainability, CodeWave successfully future-proofed their application, positioning it for continued success and scalability.